How-To Blog Post Outline Template [PDF Download]

image of template for how to guide.

How-to blog posts perform so well because they provide readers a framework to achieve a particular task, any task – such as creating a blog, starting a YouTube channel, or even finding out if a girl has a crush on you.

This template will help you with the outline process. The better the outline, the better the final output.

Template: How-To Blog Post Outline Template

I. Introduction (approx. 100-150 words)[Briefly introduce the topic and explain why it’s important or relevant to your target audience. Establish your expertise in the field and explain how you will guide readers through the process.]
II. Step 1: [Insert Step 1 Instruction] (approx. 200-300 words)[Provide clear and concise instructions on the first step of the process. Use numbered lists or tables to break down the step into smaller, manageable parts. Include examples or illustrations as needed to help readers understand and visualize the process.]
III. Step 2: [Insert Step 2 Instruction] (approx. 200-300 words)[Repeat the same format as in Step 1 for the second step of the process. Build upon the first step by adding more details and providing additional instructions.]
IV. Step 3: [Insert Step 3 Instruction] (approx. 200-300 words)[Repeat the same format as in Step 1 for the third and final step of the process. Summarize the key takeaways from Steps 1-3 and highlight how they fit together to achieve a desired outcome.]
V. Additional Tips (approx. 100-200 words)[Provide additional insights and tips on how to improve the process or overcome common challenges. Encourage readers to share their own experiences and ask questions in the comments section.]
VI. Conclusion (approx. 100-150 words)[Summarize the main points of the post and reiterate why it’s important for readers to understand. Encourage readers to start implementing what they’ve learned and provide a call-to-action if relevant.]

How to Use the Template:

  1. Start by brainstorming the topic you want to cover and identifying the key steps involved in the process.
  2. Fill in the sections of the template with your own content, making sure to include relevant details and examples.
  3. Use headings and subheadings to break up the content into manageable sections for easier readability.
  4. Keep your language concise and straightforward, using bullet points or numbered lists when appropriate.
  5. Edit and revise your content as needed to ensure it’s clear, informative, and engaging for readers.

Create viral frameworks to boost engagement.

How-to Blog Post Outline Template